A Big FUCK YOU to.

A blog all about saying "Fuck you" to the people, places, and things that piss me off

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fuck The Baster

Fuck the Baster and "Everything sucked today". Ya know what sucks? Waiting for Fudge Packer Friday on fridays and new is posted. Not that the last few were even that good. They use to be good, but it looks like The Baster and Marriedman blew all their creative jucies all over eachother faces. So FUCK YOU BASTER AND MARRIEDMAN

Also, I live with The Baster and I'm use to smart ass come backs, or just straight up I hate yous. I've grown to expect that. But Baster has this new thing he's doing. He'll just fucking stare at me. He doesn't say shit, the fucker just stares. I can talk shit to him, tell him to fuck off or that I did his mom in the ass last night, he just fucking stares. Really its starting to piss me off. Its not so much the staring, its the look on his face. It looks like he just took it in the ass from a Ram (the kind from St. Louis) and he's trying to hide the fact that he's deeply enjoying it. so once again FUCK YOU JODIFOSTERTURKYBASTER!!


Blogger The Stormin Mormon said...

Yeah, fuck that fucker.

This guy is seriously being QWAAAAAARRR!!!

Not that I'm not OK with TWO of my best friends are gay. One of them doesn't even know it yet...

11:58 PM  
Blogger jodifosterturkeybaster said...

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12:02 AM  
Blogger jodifosterturkeybaster said...

You know the funny thing about gay people? They all have asthma. I guess I should correct that, it's not that every gay man has asthma, it's that every person with asthma is gay. It's just a fact of life. I don't know how many people have seen a grown man fornicate with an inhaler, but it's a disturbing thing. Every time I wake up in the morning I see this queer chemoflava making moves on a golden retriever and the retarded 80 year old who lives next door. She can't even see 3 feet in front of her, but something about the smell of this gay fucker tells her how ugly he is without ever having to see him. She can't even smell her own piss soiled pants, but she can smell the scent of failed 'game' and rotten cheese coming off this fucker from a mile away.

All I can say to you chem is, when was the last time you got laid?

12:06 AM  
Blogger StevePerryCanOpener said...

The last time chem got laid was with our dog, so that doesn't count (even though she is pretty tight and has 8 boobies). The time before that was with his mom, which is just disturbing (he ignored her weeping herpes outbreak). And the time before that shouldn't count because last time I checked, Scandanavian John's dong is not considered sex. Hate you!

12:15 AM  
Blogger The Stormin Mormon said...

Hey, Chemo has a great point. JFTB and marriedman are not putting it down like they used to, and I seriously doubt that they have gay sex as often as them claim. Maybe their lack of fornicating and their lack of quality posts go hand in hand?

2:54 AM  
Blogger ChemoFlava said...

First off, JFTB, Asthma is sexy. I dont know who you asked, but you better ask somebody.

SPCO, 8 boobs is 8 more than you have so go join JFTB in gay St. Louis Ram sex.

3:01 AM  

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