A Big FUCK YOU to.

A blog all about saying "Fuck you" to the people, places, and things that piss me off

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Friends staying friends with your Ex, FUCK THAT

Ok, so what the fuck! why do friends stay friends with your Exs. So I'm sitting there, checking out my buddies myspace when I see my Ex girlfriend on his comments. What the fuck! He didnt even like me dating her. And its not like her and me stayed friends, the dump bitch. Last time I talked to her, I thinking it ended with me telling her to fuck off. I dont get that shit. I've always looked at it this way, if she's out of my friends life, what the fuck use is she to me? Its a simple rule, bros before hos. I mean, I'm not telling my bro who he can and cant be friends with, thats a bitch move, but how about a lil respect for your boy, especialy when the girl was tricking around. Mike, I hate you. SO heres a FUCK YOU, to Mike and ABBY. Who just happen to have a tie going for the most FUCK YOUs

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Some Random Fucks

Fuck this new blogger google shit. Lets change everything up and make it harder for the people to taste the Flava. So Fuck you Blogger for selling out to google, and fuck you google for having more money then I will ever have.

FUCK this not being angry shit. Someone do something stupid to piss me off so I have something to write about. any ideas you cum sucking pole smoking ass fucks that dripped too far? I could just go insulting you bitchs. Snoogins!

Monday, March 05, 2007

its a lil late but the FUCK YOUs of 2006

FIRST OFF, FUCK YOU DELL. You call that shit customer service? I call, the guy comes, to tell me my computers broken. No fucking shit, thats why I called asshole! then he gives me a refrence number so I can sit on hold for 2 fucking hours to talk to some out sourced pice of shit. Don't tell me you names Bob, or Dave or some other american name, you fucking Mohmad Je-hid american hating son of a bitch. You love our jobs but hate us dont you you fucking camel fucker. And this asshole ends up telling me I got the wrong department and that he can't help me. Thanks for wasting my fucking time.

Fuck the far left, you cant throw us out of office cuz you dont like someone. You need a fucking reason, and the fact that he wont hug a tree and suck arab dick, isnt a reason. Dont start with the "bring our troops home" bullshit. They joined the service, either enlisted or as a weekend warrior. Either way they signed their ass over. Dont get me wrong, I thank them for it. Lets look at the facts, either they signed up cuz their BA and want to kick some ass, or they wanted to get free collage, leasson number one, nothing comes for free. Welcome to Iraq mother fucker.

Fuck the Bears. You were over rated, lost the big game, and everyone knows Rex sucks now. Game over, FUCK YOU

FUCK FANS that come to quest field not wearing Blue and Green. FUCK YOU, stay home. I'm not lying when I say I want to hurt every single one of you. If you collapsed in front of me and needed CPR, I'd kick you in the head, then pee on you. Thats how much I hate you. FUCK OFF, DIE

FUCK THE 405! Seattle learn how to drive. DONT fucking rubberneck, and I promise you all, corners are not that fucking scary, you dont have to come to a complete stop.

FUCK ABBY, AND KRISTI. Yeah, I'm bitter, still. How would you feel if you got left for some fat fuck half a man mother fucker. The bitch is 27 and works as a stock boy for Cosco. His ex-wife ran off with some other guy, cuz he's a pussy. the only thing he gots is his car, that he uses to impress 19 year old females, i.e. Abby. which he cant afford, and thats why he lives in a house with 4 other people. POS mother fucker. For Kristi, stop being a cunt. thats it.

Spokane, I love you, but you in 2006... I have to do it. FUCK YOU SPOKANE. it hurts me to say that, but if it wasnt for Bolo's this year, there would have been no fun. A point short at hoopfest, getting punched in the face at the gym. The depression, the job... I'm sorry spokane, but FUCK YOU. Maybe 2007 will be better eh?

FUCK MIKE AND LUKE for saying "eh" like they came from CANADA, Fuck that.

FUCK YOU DIDDY. Pick a name and stay with it. New name, and you still like Pac and Biggie nuts.

FUCK Paris and Brittiny. Really, what the fuck is wrong with ya'll? ya'll fall down the same stupid tree?

there it is. the fuck yous of 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

2006, not the "Fuck Yous" those will come later

2006 is almost over. At this time of the year I like to look back and see how life has changed. For me, this year was nothing but changes.

Job- I spent Jan 1st 2006 working. When the ball dropped, I was at work. Working the grave yard shift. Got a "Kiss" over text from my girlfriend at the time. I was working at Martian Hall. A job I loved. Being a postive influnece on kids who reminded me alot of myself when I was that age was very rewarding. It was a bitter sweet moment when I left. Although I loved the job, it was time to go. My next job was as an electrician. Paid great, the job was ok, put my boss just licked nuts. Its hard to work with someone all day everyday that you really cant stand. He's a good guy out of work, but I just couldnt stand working with him anymore. Now here I am, a security guard. I really feel like the work is under me, but it keeps me in the law enfocement field till I can get back into corrections.

City- The biggest change in my life this year. From Spokane, to the Seattle area. I never thought I'd leave Spokane, never wanted to. I especially never thought I'd be over here! But when the chance came, I couldnt pass it up. To my surprise I really like it here. No SNOW....for the most part. My brothers here. The Hawks are hurr, and the Sonics. I haven't found a bar I really like yet, but I'm still enjoying it. The traffic was the hardest thing to get use to. For the first month I wanted to kill everyone on the road, but slowly, thats going away. We moved into a new place and made it into a home. The people who never saw the place before we did the work could never understand it. New floors, alot of painting, new trim and doors, new grass, its been a lot of work but worth it.

Medical- this year, 2 ulcers, a dislocated disk in my back, and a really bad neck injury that had me layed up for a couple days, but I did win the fight! I'm 24 and falling apart already!

Personal- There were two major females in my life this year. The first one, was wonderful and beautiful. She's a great girl and I wish nothing but the best for her. Things just didnt work out and wasn't going to. We both realized that and ended it before things got bad. It really was a clean mutural break up with no hard feelings. The second one, was extreme. Extreme emotions, extreme arguments, extreme break ups. I dont blame anyone. It was just two people who honestly didnt get eachother or how to talk to eachother. I know this, cuz she would disagree with everything I just said. But life goes on and lessons are learned. Between those two there's been a few kisses with selective ladies, but nothing major.

Friends- The most import part of my life. This two of my closest friends came back from collage, Loc and Boyer. Its always good to have them back. Mike, one my closest friend, and Ashlee, also a close friend, are my roommates and I really couldn't ask for better roommates. Scott is still Scott but coming up. We've all had a great time together this year. Unloading a couple of clips into Jack Johnson CDs (I dont hate Jack Johnson, the CDs were just really bad copies) at the cabin with Loc and The Whop. Loc in his all knowing wisdom "This cooler is heavy, where not picking it up again till its empty" Can't forget my birthday. Getting BRUNK at Silverwood with Mike and Ash then going on the Rollercoasters, I hate those things. Got a great picture out of it tho. And the whole month before we moved out here, all without a job, so what do we do? Get BRUNK at Bolos, that whole month. It was Crazy. Season tickets with my bro and his roommate, tailgating, talking shit to opposing fans, watching them win! Can't forget about my newest and one of my closest friends Jeremy. He's the hook up man and always willing to share the wealth. He's done a hell of a job showing me this town. Good times. Also cant forget the old ones. One of my closest friends of all time is now back in touch. I'd say her name but if I did everyone would start asking questions about us. Its not like that this time. You know who you are and I love ya. Also much love to my BFF =P

All in all 2006 was a great year. It had its rough spots but thanks to my group of friends and family everything worked out alright. I'm now looking forward to what a full year in Seattle is like.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Know what I'm sick of hearing in the news? How people are starting to make the religious right the bad guy. Why? cuz we have fucking morals? I'm sorry, I believe marraige is between a man and a women. If you want to be gay, thats fine, but dont give me that shit that gay people are born that way. Its bullshit, its a fucking choice. Abortin is WRONG. You fucked, you have the kid. The only time I believe that it is ok, is in the case of rape. But hey, its not my choice to make. to each their own. I want strong christin men and women in congress, and yes, if they are christin i'll be more inclinded to vote for them just for that reason. Really, look at the fucking morals of this country. Women are wearing less and less. We've gotten to the point to where we encourage people to express themselfs sexualy. "Hey, if it makes you happy to go out and fuck 20 people a night, good for you. do what makes you happy. It'll make you feel free" FUCK THAT. Us, who are the religous right, are starting to push back, I'm sorry but we care about the future of this country. We believe in a strong family, with a wife and husband. I'm also sick of seeing cheating in TV and movies a good thing. Oh she falls out of love with her husband and falls in love with the dark stranger. FUCK THAT. that makes her a fucking whore. its not romantic. Being married isnt perfect, there are struggles, but its also for life. At the first sign of a rough spot she or he splits and finds someone else and thats romantic? Thats fucking twisted. Its gotten to the point were people are starting to see morals as restrictions. Get rid of them and you can feel good about whatever you want to do. Well fuck that! The religious right, is in the right. You can deny our beliefs, but you can't deny our morals. We have a high standard or morals in a country where the moral standards drop ever year. FUCK EM, I'm out!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A fuck you to, Packer fans, Snow, and Seattle drivers

Fuck you Packer fans, wait, fuck all fans that come into Quest Field, for the other team. This is our fucking house! dont come in with that bullshit. Our house, our rules. 1. You are not allowed to talk shit, cheer, or even stand. 2. Hawk fans have the right to talk shit to you, cheer in your grill, and tell you to sit the fuck down. Breaking these rules will result in you getting the shit kicked out of you. Listen, opposing fans, I want to ruin your experience at Quest Field. I dont want you there. You shouldn't come. I personaly take it as an insult when you do come. If you were such a big fan of your team, you'd take your ass to that city. I did. So Fuck you opposing fans. Every home team fan should do like Radier fans do, make opposing team fans scared to come to a game!

Fuck the snow. Its cold, its wet, it looks ugly after a day and your a bitch to drive in. Snow, stay on the mountians, stop fucking up my day. Fuck you snow

Fuck you seattle drivers. Making me sit on the 405 for five fucking hours. Heres there thing, you maybe see three inches of snow a year, so when it snows more than that, stay off the fucking road. And just because you have a 4x4 or overpriced truck or suv, doesnt mean you know how to drive in the snow! Dont drive ten over the speed limit just cuz it looks clear, theres something called ICE, its slick, and 4 wheel drive doesnt help you stop you dumb fuck. Dont put chains on the rear wheels when its a front wheel drive! If you see cars sliding backwards on a hill, Don't go up it!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

A couple Fuck yous

FUCK the Cowboys, especaily TO. FUCK the 49ers, I'd name some 49ers, but I dont know any of their names. FUCK the 49ers and Cowboys. The 49ers will bring the gays, the Cowboys bring the hats and they can travl to St.Louis and have a big giant Ram fucking orgy. FUCK THEM

People I know, in fact if you've read any of this. You know I dont really carry a conversation. So if you expect a conversation with me, you have to say more than two fucking words. Don't text me one word texts, and sound bitchy when you do. You FUCKING texted me. If you have something to say, dont beat around the bush. FUCKING say it. FUCK this shit pisses me off. SO FUCK YOU Mrs/Ms. Sound bitchy when you text message me.

FUCK ex girlfriends who wont let me bang their sister and/or mom.

FUCK www.everythingsuckedtoday.blogspot.com