A Big FUCK YOU to.

A blog all about saying "Fuck you" to the people, places, and things that piss me off

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Know what I'm sick of hearing in the news? How people are starting to make the religious right the bad guy. Why? cuz we have fucking morals? I'm sorry, I believe marraige is between a man and a women. If you want to be gay, thats fine, but dont give me that shit that gay people are born that way. Its bullshit, its a fucking choice. Abortin is WRONG. You fucked, you have the kid. The only time I believe that it is ok, is in the case of rape. But hey, its not my choice to make. to each their own. I want strong christin men and women in congress, and yes, if they are christin i'll be more inclinded to vote for them just for that reason. Really, look at the fucking morals of this country. Women are wearing less and less. We've gotten to the point to where we encourage people to express themselfs sexualy. "Hey, if it makes you happy to go out and fuck 20 people a night, good for you. do what makes you happy. It'll make you feel free" FUCK THAT. Us, who are the religous right, are starting to push back, I'm sorry but we care about the future of this country. We believe in a strong family, with a wife and husband. I'm also sick of seeing cheating in TV and movies a good thing. Oh she falls out of love with her husband and falls in love with the dark stranger. FUCK THAT. that makes her a fucking whore. its not romantic. Being married isnt perfect, there are struggles, but its also for life. At the first sign of a rough spot she or he splits and finds someone else and thats romantic? Thats fucking twisted. Its gotten to the point were people are starting to see morals as restrictions. Get rid of them and you can feel good about whatever you want to do. Well fuck that! The religious right, is in the right. You can deny our beliefs, but you can't deny our morals. We have a high standard or morals in a country where the moral standards drop ever year. FUCK EM, I'm out!


Blogger The Stormin Mormon said...

So what brought this one on?

I'm curious as to what pushed you to this particular post....

Sorry to be so late in commenting, I couldn't log on from my phone.

11:09 PM  
Blogger ChemoFlava said...

Just watching the news and TV. When did being a christian become a bad thing?

11:41 PM  

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