A Big FUCK YOU to.

A blog all about saying "Fuck you" to the people, places, and things that piss me off

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A fuck you to, Packer fans, Snow, and Seattle drivers

Fuck you Packer fans, wait, fuck all fans that come into Quest Field, for the other team. This is our fucking house! dont come in with that bullshit. Our house, our rules. 1. You are not allowed to talk shit, cheer, or even stand. 2. Hawk fans have the right to talk shit to you, cheer in your grill, and tell you to sit the fuck down. Breaking these rules will result in you getting the shit kicked out of you. Listen, opposing fans, I want to ruin your experience at Quest Field. I dont want you there. You shouldn't come. I personaly take it as an insult when you do come. If you were such a big fan of your team, you'd take your ass to that city. I did. So Fuck you opposing fans. Every home team fan should do like Radier fans do, make opposing team fans scared to come to a game!

Fuck the snow. Its cold, its wet, it looks ugly after a day and your a bitch to drive in. Snow, stay on the mountians, stop fucking up my day. Fuck you snow

Fuck you seattle drivers. Making me sit on the 405 for five fucking hours. Heres there thing, you maybe see three inches of snow a year, so when it snows more than that, stay off the fucking road. And just because you have a 4x4 or overpriced truck or suv, doesnt mean you know how to drive in the snow! Dont drive ten over the speed limit just cuz it looks clear, theres something called ICE, its slick, and 4 wheel drive doesnt help you stop you dumb fuck. Dont put chains on the rear wheels when its a front wheel drive! If you see cars sliding backwards on a hill, Don't go up it!


Blogger The Stormin Mormon said...

A big AMEN to the Fuck You to people not smart enough to notice a car sliding down a hill and thinking that they can make it up.

And I've always thought that opposing fans should shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down, and keep their fucking opinion to themselves.

11:09 PM  
Blogger ChemoFlava said...

Amen. but hey, if they want to be hurt, I'd be happy to help them out.

12:03 AM  

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