A Big FUCK YOU to.

A blog all about saying "Fuck you" to the people, places, and things that piss me off

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Friends staying friends with your Ex, FUCK THAT

Ok, so what the fuck! why do friends stay friends with your Exs. So I'm sitting there, checking out my buddies myspace when I see my Ex girlfriend on his comments. What the fuck! He didnt even like me dating her. And its not like her and me stayed friends, the dump bitch. Last time I talked to her, I thinking it ended with me telling her to fuck off. I dont get that shit. I've always looked at it this way, if she's out of my friends life, what the fuck use is she to me? Its a simple rule, bros before hos. I mean, I'm not telling my bro who he can and cant be friends with, thats a bitch move, but how about a lil respect for your boy, especialy when the girl was tricking around. Mike, I hate you. SO heres a FUCK YOU, to Mike and ABBY. Who just happen to have a tie going for the most FUCK YOUs


Blogger The Stormin Mormon said...

Hey, you know my stance on this one...

Don't even hit the brakes...

8:19 AM  

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